Social Media By The Numbers

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Have you ever wondered about how Canadian’s use social media? Or, how Facebook can benefit your business? Well, you are not alone, and the results are just plain exciting. Below are some statistics from DigitalReportal’s 2019 Stats.
33.84 million internet users in Canada
25 million social media users 22 million on social mobile
23 Million users in Canada – 55% female, 45% male
71% of adults 13+ that can be reached with Facebook advertising
13 million users in Canada – 56% female, 44% male
40% of adults 13+ that can be reached with Instagram advertising
5.37 million users in Canada – 42% female, 58% male
17% of adults 13+ that can be reached with Twitter advertising
7.70 million users in Canada – 55% female, 44% male
24% of adults 13+ that can be reached with Snapchat advertising
16 million users in Canada – 49% female, 51% male
53% of adults 18+ that can be reached with LinkedIn advertising
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]There is little doubt, businesses benefit from a social media presence. Even if your social media strategy is simply to have a Facebook business page and post update information periodically. It is definitely better than having no social presence at all.
It is surprising to find small businesses that believe that it is more bother than its worth to have a social media page.
Recently, I presented recommendations to a prospect that included social media pages and social advertising. They shared with us their frustration seeing their business slow and many of their customers move to their main competitor. After analysis, we discovered that although our prospect had no social media presence, their competitor has an integrated social campaign.
Here are some interesting and exciting statistics about social media usage. The information is mainly about Facebook as they currently dominate in social paid advertising. Some info is general for context but I wanted to give some Canadian numbers.
Facebook has 1.32 billion daily active users, 23.8 million in Canada.
That is a huge number of people actively on Facebook. That is about the same population that lived on Earth in 1804. This number is not the total number of Facebook profiles. This is the number of people actively on Facebook on an average day. Can someone say, “yea!”
Facebook has approximately 80 million small and medium sized business pages.
This, for every prospecting intent and purpose is an awesome number. This means that for B2B companies, Facebook is the place to be. A recent survey also points out that Canadian entrepreneurs use Facebook 77% over other social networks.
78% of American consumers have discovered retail products to buy on Facebook.
Although this is not open to brands to sell, Facebook Marketplace is a great place to post items for sale. On Facebook’s website the say “more than one in three people on Facebook in the US use Marketplace every month for everything from new shoes to baby gear to cars and apartments.”
16.6 Billion in advertising revenue according to Facebook’s 2018 Q4 report.
Facebook is a powerhouse for online marketing. It is a digital mall and people use this platform for many things. It makes Facebook a good place to advertise.
3.91% is the average engagement rate for a post.
6.01% is the engagement rate for Facebook video posts.
We recommend video posting on Facebook not simply because they get more exposure. Your audience may be on Facebook and expects access to video content. Make your video engaging and share it on your Facebook page.
Facebook owns 24.5% of all digital video ad spending in 2018.
This again is huge as Facebook digital video advertising is up against like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
According to Digiday, 85% of Facebook video is watched without sound.
A challenge for many is getting a message across with no sound. Your video may have sound, but the visuals should aim to convey your message.
24.2% of Facebook Pages use paid media.
Facebook advertising for business is barely tapped. This is exciting news!
The average Facebook user clicks on 8 ads per month. Women click on the most. 10 per month on average.
A user chooses eight ads to engage with each month on average. When a user chooses to respond to a paid ad in this way, it is a good thing for the advertiser.
E-Commerce click through rates are at 3%, an increase of 300%.
This is a low percentage that represents tremendous growth opportunity for e-commerce sales through Facebook.
Sources: HootSuite, Data Reportal[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]